Dave Ramsey Financial Peace
Read These Dave Ramsey Financial Advice Columns

Tax Deductions vs. Tax Credits: What’s The Difference?
There’s nothing better than finding yourself in a win-win situation, like having to choose between cookies or ice cream for dessert. No matter what happens, you win. But putting a heaping scoop of ice cream on top of a freshly baked cookie? Now we’re talking! Both tax deductions and tax credits can save you money this tax season.
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Tax Tips for Procrastinators
Are you sort of person who thinks planning is just something nerds do? Do you only consider buying gas after that little orange gas light on your dashboard starts blinking? If you usually wait until the very last minute to file your taxes, you’re not alone. In 2024, 18.7 million Americans waited until the last week before Tax Day to file (while over 100 million Americans beat them to the punch).
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Tax Season 2025: What You
Need to Know
Well. It’s about that time of the year again—tax season. From standard deductions and adjusted tax brackets to figuring out which tax credits and deductions you qualify for, it can be a lot to figure out everything you need to know to file your taxes. Don’t worry, we’re going to dive into all of that, plus a few more changes to be aware of.
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8 Benefits of Filing Your Taxes Early
Key Takeaways: Filing early helps avoid IRS delays and the stress of last-minute filing and means tany refund will be processed sooner. Early filing helps ensure greater accuracy on your return and can protect you from penalties and scammers. Getting your taxes done early gives you time to prepare if you have to pay.
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How to Get Out of Debt With the Debt Snowball Plan
What could you do if you didn’t have a single debt payment in the world? That’s right—no student loans, car payments or credit card bills. You could free up an extra $300 or maybe even $800 in your budget every month! Ah, that’s the debt-free life. The quickest way to make your debt-free dream a reality is to use the debt snowball method.
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Tax Season 2025: What You
Need to Know
Well. It’s about that time of the year again—tax season. From standard deductions and adjusted tax brackets to figuring out which tax credits and deductions you qualify for, it can be a lot to figure out everything you need to know. Don’t worry, we’re going to dive into all of that, plus a few more changes you need to be aware of.
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How to Make a Budget:
Your Step-by-Step Guide
Making a budget might seem overwhelming at first, but hear this: You can do it. How? By breaking down the process a bit. No one eats an elephant by swallowing it whole. (You go one bite at a time.) And no one leaps into budgeting like a pro. (You take it one step at a time.) Here’s how to make a budget in five steps.
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How to Pay Off Debt
Instead of spending all your money on debt payments, you’re building up your savings and paying cash for vacations. No more using your paycheck to pay for the past. You’re enjoying the present and feeling prepared for the future. I’m going to walk you through the best way to pay off debt—step by step—so you can make your debt-free dream a reality!
Read Dave's Full ColumnThe Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Page
With Helpful Advice On Your Money
“The Total Money Makeover Workbook, Classic Edition“
The Essential Companion for Applying the Book’s Principles
“Baby Steps Millionaires”
How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth – and How You Can Too
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Metro Atlanta Christian Concerts & Family Events

Saturday, March 29
C.S. Lewis "The Screwtape Letters"
at John A. Williams Theatre
at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre
2800 Cobb Galleria Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30339
"A profound experience!" - Christianity Today.
A battle is being waged for your soul!
Witness a fast-paced, tour-de-force performance in this acclaimed adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ satiric masterpiece. 4:00 p.m. (770) 916-2852

Thursday, April 3
Jenny Oaks Baker
The Redeemer: Music on the Life of Jesus the Christ
At Norcross First Global Methodist Church
2500 Beaver Ruin Rd
Norcross, GA 30071,
The glorious music by Emmy Award-winning composer Kurt Bestor with familiar hymns, soul-filling original compositions, and portions of Handel’s Messiah.. 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, August 9
The Newsboys
Worldwide Revival Tour
With Northpoint Worship
At The Frederick Brown Amphitheater
201 McIntosh Trail,
Peachtree City, GA 30269,
Tickets On Sale Now
7:30 p.m. (770) 631-0630

Saturday, Crowder
Sunday, August 17
Gospel Day at the Fair
Triumphant Quartet, The Inspirations, Carolina The Band
At Georgia Mountain Fair
The Anderson Music Hall,
311 Music Hall Rd. Hiawassee, GA 30546
(706) 896-4191
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